Horse Showing Classes
Saturday 11th May 2024
Judging commences in Showing Ring 1 at 11am Sharp
Judge: Glenn Knipe
Prizes: 1st €75, 2nd €40, 3rd €25
5% of all prize money deducted in accordance with ISA Rules
Entry Fee €20 – Entries via: Ridden Horse Showing Entry Link
Entry fee is non refundable in the case of animals entered and later withdrawn
Classes with two or less entries may be cancelled
Class 49. Ridden Irish Draught
Class 50. Lightweight Hunter
Class 51. Middleweight/Heavyweight Hunter
Class 52. Small Hunter – Qualifier for Killusty Pony Show (1st & 2nd Placed)
Class 53. Amateur Hunter
Open to non professional producers of horses of Amateur Status.
Class 54. Riding Horse
Class 55. Ridden Cob
Class 56. Ridden Coloured Horse
Class 57. Open Side Saddle (SSI National Champs Qualifier)
Mare or Gelding, 5 years old or over. To be ridden side-saddle by riders who have attained their 16th birthday by 1 January. Aim: To promote, present and preserve the art of side-saddle riding. Rules: The rider’s ability and turnout, and the way of going, manners, conformation and movement of the horse will be considered as part of the adjudication. A Side Saddle Ireland rosette will be presented to the 4 highest placed members in the class. A Best Rider rosette will be presented to the ‘Best Rider’
Class 58. Novice Showing
Open to riders who have never shown at the RDS, RIHS, HOYS nor have previously won a showing class at any show. Open to all breeds & types.
Class 59. CHAMPIONSHIP – Confined to 1st & 2nd Placings in Classes 49-58.
Specific Requirements Horses & Other Equines
As from 1st May 2012, any premises (which includes shows, fairs and markets) where horses or other equines are gathered must be registered with the Department of Agriculture. Owners/persons in charge of such gatherings are required to submit a completed application form for registration and to keep records of movements on/off their premises. Records must be retained for at least 3 years as they may be required by the Department for the purposes of tracing disease. It is important therefore that Show organisers should contact their local Regional Veterinary Office in advance so that consideration can be given to compliance with the requirements.
Any further information on the requirements for moving of horses and equines to shows will be provided on the Department’s website www.agriculture.gov.ie/animalhealthwelfare/animalidentificationmovement
** Please note ** All prize monies will be paid out in the following two weeks after the Kingdom County Fair and NOT on the day of the Fair.